 About Us  About Acumen  
Ceralon, LLC was created by litigation support specialists for clients that handle vast amounts of electronic files for securities matters, commercial litigation, and Sarbanes Oxley compliance. Our desire is to serve clients with care and offer them a quality product.

Experienced professionals

Ceralon is owned and managed by a team of professionals with 9 years of experience in litigation support and 25 years of IT experience in Fortune 50 companies.


Acumen, Ceralon's flagship product, was released to market in October 2006.

Responds to e-Discovery challenges

Development on Acumen began in September 2004 with a focus on addressing the most frequently heard concerns about the electronic discovery industry (Concerns - Consumer Views (A02-C25). 2005. Socha Consulting LLC and Gelbmann & Associates):

1)  Quality of services
Ceralon Acumen was designed from the ground up to seamlessly manage data throughout the electronic discovery lifecycle. There’s no need to rely on disparate providers with varying service levels to support a legacy tool-belt.

2)  Attorney, client,
judicial inexperience with ED

Ceralon Acumen is supported by a team of professionals with former experience in Fortune 50 I.T. departments and litigation support.

3)  Unpredictability of cost
Transparent pricing for Ceralon Acumen allows customers to predict costs for all phases of e-discovery– processing, culling and reviewing. Customers choose a pricing plan that meets their need, including low initial fixed fee with per usage costs for small, mid-size, and do-it-yourself customers; an annual renenwable license with no usage fees; or a one-time fixed fee for a perpetual license targeted at enterprise customers.

4)  Project management
Anticipate resources needed for review with robust progress reports, transparent workflow for review, and estimate pages during processing to plan and staff your projects for on-time delivery with Ceralon Acumen.

5)  Data volumes
Distribute processing across multiple computers with Ceralon’s integrated import module
Prioritize production jobs and monitor conversion jobs to completion across multiple servers with Ceralon’s integrated review module.

6) Ability of providers to deliver on promises
You host the data; you can access it anytime.

7)  Difficulty getting to the right info
Ceralon Acumen offers unlimited search terms at no incremental cost, with robust advanced metadata searching as well. With Acumen, you can literally search anything in the case database!


  About Ceralon LLC

The Ceralon logo signifies a waxen seal that suggest the roots of the company name:

cera- ae wax; a waxen writing tablet , wax seal, or waxen image.
longus– latin long, of long duration in time

True to its name, Ceralon Acumen provides the timeless security and integrity of sealed documents.